Thus it has to be that the AP was the original problem with loading up of the game originally, which was fixed. Now then if this wasnt a pure graphics error that it appears to be that it is AP the whole game would freeze including the sound. After the the other address that came up later server similar functions there is a constant message in desmume that there is an error in the lighting of the game that it is been shown as to bright.

It is an error in the graphics engine of the game, every address that is looked at are addresses that deal in the graphical property of the game.Ġ4000600 is used to refresh the screen during entering of battle, 2260344 is primarily used to drawn sprites and set the writing. When this offset goes above the 8bit address its cause the black screen to appear. If you take the time to read the error that your reading as AP is the fact that there is an 16bit offset that is constantly being read as an 8bit. 021E756D 021F1017 021F1083 021F1205 these address cant be skipped like the others can they are more then like something to do with general screen change when given the skip code it remains white gimme a lil while to tweak with them i might b able to find 1 that works individually.

You guys remember the infamous 02260344 address? I've found 4 addresses more that have the exact same behaviour, they all seem to do some calculations when an event occurs. Yes, I know my first post here, blah blah. I need to find the post in the other thread, but if it is possible to insert code via ar, this can be fixed! Remove the code in ar, then place the code, every time, so the count stays at 24, virtually fixing all freezing issues. I remember many posts back some guy posted a peice of code found, that changed per event this obviously is it! HOWEVER, as the person had said, removing said code via ar, doesnt work since the game needs it. YOOOOOO, I FOUND SOMETHING NEW, remember this: SDK+NINTENDO WC2.DWC22PLUS8 NOW, there is a folder called DWC!!!! I HAVE READ THESE POSTS AND HAVE A SOLUTION, ALMOST I can't do it, but I know the logic behind it. Please Post just ideas how to solve problems.